Steps to Take With a Brand New Client

One of the questions I am asked often in my virtual assistance business is: what steps do you take with new clients?

Every single virtual assistant has his/her own way of performing client intake but I have come up with a system that I feel works really well and keeps everything organized and efficient. Here is a rough outline of my process for new client intake:
(1) Introductory phone call.
(2) Setup Basecamp (project management software).
(3) Load up welcome package and call notes to Basecamp.
(4) Send e-mail to client with Basecamp login info.
(5) Let the client know to start sending work our way.

When you are setting up your incoming system, make sure to put something in place that is easy to follow and something that you can keep consistent. You’ll quickly find that consistency is key in all areas of your business.

Another thing you can do as well is send them a thank you card for their business after their first week or month with you. Sometimes when I do this, I also include a $5 or $10 Starbucks gift card. It’s a nice gesture that goes a long way in the virtual work world.

Create a system for new client intake, put it to the test and tweak it as you go. Just remember, have fun with it and be organized so that your new clients feel welcome into your business and can trust that you are organized and have good systems in place.